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Plan your first visit to Ignite Hope

The whens and wheres and such

Ignite Hope is located at 580 "F" Street, in Lebanon Oregon. 

Our regularly scheduled Sunday morning service starts at 10 am, but, you can find all of our meeting times on our Churchconnect schedule. For many of the events, including Sunday morning services, you can register with us so that we will be prepared to meet whatever special needs or concerns you may have.

Parking is available off of our 7th Street or F Street entrances. There is handicapped parking on the south and west sides of the building (both accessible from 7th Street).

Be sure to visit our welcome table, in the foyer, to learn where our bathrooms are located, get a bulletin, and learn about our children's program (if you happen to have little ones with you).

The whats and hows and such

Expect people to dress casually and comfortably. While some people bring their own Bibles, there are several available for you to use. Or, you may prefer to access Bible from your phone app, if there is something in the biblical Text that you want to see for yourself. 

Song lyrics for the mix of traditional and modern Christian music is displayed for you to follow along, if you wish. Or, you can enjoy the music portion of our service in other ways, including waving flags or other movement.

Quiet conversations may be going on in the foyer, the library, or one of our other meeting rooms at any time, so there is no sense of awkwardness if you arrive late or if you need to leave early. 

If you need to speak to anyone for any reason, we have people available at our welcome table, or somewhere near the back of the sanctuary. Or, you can message us through the Churchconnect app and someone will be available to help you right away.

We have a unique and carefully designed children's ministry that opens at 10:30 am on Sunday morning and operates the same time as the adult teaching time. While families are welcome to attend worship in the sanctuary together, children, ages 3 to 5, can attend a special service designed especially for them. You can find more information about this by tapping here.

The whys and wherefores and such

Our purpose for getting together regularly is to get to know one another, to learn how to best love and serve one another, and to grow in our own relationship with the real and living God. We're excited to share this experience with you. But we also want to respect your privacy and personal space. 

We're going to provide you with many opportunities to reach out to us and connect on a personal level. But please don't feel obligated to share any information about yourself that may leave you feeling uncomfortable. Our leadership is trained and experienced at protecting your personal information. And while it may be required on some of our forms, rest assured that we will not share your information without your permission, nor will we use your information for any purposes other than for the specific reason that you agree to.

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